Spreading the Joy of Reading: Nathalie Oquendo’s Book Donation Drive
Nathalie Oquendo and six dedicated students organized a book donation drive, collecting a large box of books and ten rolls of wrapping paper to provide children in need with gift-wrapped books that inspire a love for reading, storytelling, and learning.
Crazy Straw Valentines
West Boca High School Chapter of STUDENTS Speak Up for Kids collaborated with Logger’s Run Middle school in a community service project to create crazy straw valentines gifts and collect books for the Speak Up for Kids outreach called, Storybook Village.
Spanish River Sharks Inspire Young Readers with "Oh, the Places You'll Go" Book Drive
Shoutout to Sofia Scher and the Spanish River Sharks Chapter of STUDENTS Speak Up for Kids for inspiring young readers by collecting and donating Oh, the Places You'll Go books to children in need, sharing a message of hope and endless possibilities! #SpeakUpForKids #BookDrive #OhThePlacesYoullGo #YouthVolunteering