• We are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization licensed to accept and solicit charitable donations. A copy of the official registration and financial information of our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization may be obtained by calling toll-free (800-435-7352) within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state. EIN: 80-0345608

  • We champion best-interest child advocacy. Through effective advocacy the cycles of abuse, violence, and crime are being broken one child at a time, and children’s futures are being rewritten.

  • Yes! You can become an Ambassador, Corporate Partner, volunteer or you can Donate.

  • You can make a donation right here on our website MAKE THAT DONATION NOW.

  • EIN: 80-0345608

  • To see our volunteer opportunities CLICK HERE. The Office of the Guardian ad Litem offers one on one direct interest advocacy for our kids. Please visit https://guardianadlitem.org/ for more information.

    SUFK has a few events throughout the year for our kids in which volunteers are needed. Learn more here.

    If you have an opportunity or service for children and would like to present the information, please CONTACT us to tell us more.

  • Contact The Office of the Guardian ad Litem for information on obtaining a Guardian ad Litem (561) 355-2773. Please note that the program is for children in the dependency system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment. The Guardian ad Litems are court appointed at the time of the shelter hearing.

    For family court Guardian ad Litem contact 561-355-2986.



  • 90% of your donation goes toward best-interest advocacy of a foster child here in Palm Beach County. Admin operates on less than 4% of giving and our fundraisers are less than 6%. You can learn more about our financial transparency HERE + HERE.

  • Yes! You can stay up to date on our happenings on FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, YOUTUBE & LINKEDIN.



  • Nope, not at all! In fact, any project that you create can be done on your own timeline and in your own area. SSUFK isn’t like a typical volunteer organization where you go to a physical place and spend a couple hours there - you get to create projects that explore what YOU are passionate about.

    Occasionally, we have in-person events you can volunteer for, so be on the lookout for those opportunities throughout the year!

  • SSUFK projects are 100% student-led. We encourage you to explore our learning portal and our impact page for inspiration. Once you get an idea of the kinds of projects that can be completed, you can brainstorm and come up with a unique idea. The possibilities are endless, and should you have questions, our staff will work with you to design the perfect project that shares your interests!

    The exception to this is if you are looking for an internship or office volunteer position and that will be coordinated mutually with your and staff's schedule.

  • Most of our opportunities for advocacy and awareness projects are completed on your own time, with your group or within your community. Sometimes, we have opportunities for in-person events. For example, when we have events such as our annual Winterfest and StoryBook Village we will put out a call for volunteers. Also, there have been a number of events created by students and approved by our staff that are facilitated with virtual contact with foster children. These projects are approved on a case-by-case-basis.

  • Not only do these forms give us more info about your project AND help us figure out where we can support you, but we also use the information to show your advocacy, which helps us get more funding and ensure the success of our organization & your projects!

  • We recommend that you watch our introductory session video that explains all the steps for getting started. This video will lead you step-by-step as you decide on a project all the way to submitting your hours.

  • Yes. We give hours for all projects and volunteer work.

  • Once you have finished your hours and the hour log has been created, you will log into your account on our website and click the “submit hours” button. Follow the prompts for uploading and submitting your hours. You will receive an email with a letter of verification. If after 24 hours you have not received your verification letter, please send us an email

  • Hours you will submit vary greatly depending on the project. We encourage you to count all hours for planning, preparing, meetings, interviewing, shopping, brainstorming, researching, learning, creating, attending, launching, etc. You will even want to count hours for filling out our forms, researching on our website, or simply learning about the foster care system and how it supports the children.

  • You can always explore our learning portal but here are few statistics, At this time, there is an average of 1400 children involved in the foster care system of Palm Beach County. Children in foster care range from the newborn age all the way up to age 18. A child in foster care can be in any of the following placements: licensed foster care home, in a home with relatives, in a home with non-relatives (friend, neighbor, etc), or in a group home. On average, children in foster care spend over a year in the foster care system. You will be making a difference as you Speak Up for Kids!