This comprehensive online platform provides a wealth of resources and support to

empower young individuals as they transition into adulthood and independence.

Focused on practical expertise, education, and empowerment, the Life Skills Portal is all about giving you the tools and know-how to crush your transition into adulthood. It’s your number one resource for tackling the ups and downs with confidence and independence.

As you're gearing up for aging up, dive into a treasure trove of useful info and step-by-step guides to mastering adulthood. The Portal is packed with the support and instructions you need during this exciting and pivotal stage of your life. 

We’re here to help you unlock your potential and slay adulthood with ease!

Planning For Your Future: Career and Educational Planning with our FYRC

As a senior, deciding your future can be tough, especially if you're aging out of foster care. The Foster Youth Resource Concierge (FYRC) at Speak Up For Kids PBC offers personalized guidance, college application help, tutoring, career counseling, and access to essential resources. We're here to support you every step of the way.

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Why Personalized Advocacy Matters

Approaching 18 can feel like peering over the edge of the world's tallest roller coaster, especially for youth in foster care. That's where personalized support becomes crucial. At Speak Up For Kids PBC, our Foster Youth Resource Concierge (FYRC) provides tailored advocacy to understand your challenges and strengths. Build a trusting relationship with an advocate who listens and supports you. Empower yourself with informed decisions on education, career, and life goals for long-term success. 

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