Our Programs
Life Skills Portal
A comprehensive online platform provides a wealth of resources and support to empower foster kids who are aging out of the system as they transition into adulthood and independence.
STUDENTS Speak Up for Kids
Empowers students with opportunities to serve and Speak Up for children in the dependency court system.
Embrace Kids
Based on the concept of belonging and inclusion. It exists to lessen or remove financial and emotional barriers that hinder a child’s ability to thrive.
Flourishing Futures
Ensuring that children in foster care have the tools, support, and opportunities they need to thrive at every stage of their development.
Foster Youth Concierge
Ensures that aging out foster kids and have access to the support they need to overcome challenges and thrive.
With every $25 card, Speak Up for Kids of Palm Beach County will help celebrate a local foster child’s birthday with a CAKE, CARD, and GIFT.
Parents Speak Up for Kids
Supporting the caregivers stepping up and speaking up for foster children. Because every hero deserves a fan club.
Foster Palm Beach
In 2018, we extended our impact efforts creating Foster Palm Beach to recruit more local foster families.
Specialty Court
An award-winning pilot, serving the most complex cases in our county through a round-table team approach and “Early Childhood Court” works with new families toward safe, permanent placement faster.
Guardian ad Litem Office
SUFK ensures 100% advocacy for kids in foster care through the funding of positions and the recruitment, training and retention of court-appointed volunteer child advocates.